Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

Beware, you are about to enter a phantasmagorical dimension of constructs, inspired and encouraged by the material reality, but produced by the unseen one.

With the gratitude offered by collaborations, dear visitor, you can adventure yourself through a number of artistic themes, regarding your own taste and, hopefully, there is something to find for each and every preference.

Enjoy your stay here and be willing to assimilate with an open-mind, not forgetting to leave a critical gift, sharing your own thoughts with us and helping in developing this new-borned community.

much love,


Viennale 2019 V’19


Am participat la ediția din 2019 a Festivalului de film Viennale, în calitate de corespondent de presă al publicației BanatulAzi. Mai jos vă prezint articolele pe care le-am publicat, împreună cu fotografii de la eveniment!


V’19 Galerie foto